Self Pity
Have you ever tried to help someone who is in self pity? It is like being in quick sand. The more effort you put in, the faster you...

Taking Credit
I work with addicts and alcoholics. When they “fail,” I tend to take it personally. I somehow make their choices “my failure.” As long...

It's Not "O.K."
From childhood, we teach our children, “I’m sorry.” “It’s o.k.” It seems innocent enough, but these few words that we teach our children...

Perfectionists Beware!
Virtually everyone I know struggles with some level self hatred. It seems like the right thing to do. How else are we going to keep...

The Sanctuary
My wife and I spent the weekend ministering at “The Sanctuary” in Ft. Morgan, Colorado. It was renewing in every sense of the word. The...

We take ourselves way too seriously. For me, a recent discovery was just how much of our pain actually comes out of others not...

Why Does It Hurt?
Sometimes, that seems like a pretty foolish question. Duh! Did you see what he did? Did you hear what she said? Why does it hurt? It...

God has blessed me in incredible ways and yet I struggle with dissatisfaction. Part of it is my personality. I am a spiritual...

I Believe in Culture
As I sat and listened to the women on Sunday evening, I realized a shift that had happened. The women’s side of the Omega Project is...

The "Cause"
“Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure?” (James 4:1a, NKJV). The word “cause”...